Our Community through the years
Events of our past that make us who we are.
Events of 2019
Mountain Family Season of Giving-Holiday Gift Project
Every year, Mountain Family Center coordinates a county wide program to collect Christmas gifts for families that request help in providing gifts for their children during the Holiday Season. St. John and Cranmer Chapel are participating again this year, with a Giving Tree located at St. John in Granby. We are sponsoring several families this year. Parishioners may choose tags from the tree which gives information about the child, and one item they are suggesting for a gift. Tags are available now, and the unwrapped gift with the tag attached need to be back to St. John in Granby by Dec 8th. Parishioners may also call Elaine Skoch at 785-218-5599 to arrange a time to pick up gifts. Tags are also available for Gift cards to City Market for the families to purchase food for their family dinner, and cash donations are also gratefully accepted. All gifts returned will be wrapped after services on Dec.8th in Hicks Hall, and anyone who wants to help wrap will be welcome to do so. We have been blessed by God, and His gifts to us are to be shared with our neighbors, and their children. Thank you for your gifts to this
Follow up on the Giving Tree Program…Hick’s Hall Transformed Into Santa’s Workshop
Sunday morning, December 8th was magical as members of St. John the Baptist rolled up their sleeves to wrap gifts for the five families and 12 children the church adopted as a part of our Giving Tree efforts to support those in the community seeking assistance. In spite of heavy snowfall in the early morning, hardy souls and members of St. John’s showed up for the festivities and enjoyed food and fellowship while working on making some children’s dreams come true during the holiday season. Although the gifts are blessings for the families receiving them, the gift of giving was a true blessing for those who participated either by donating gifts, or wrapping the gifts or simply praying for the process. It is true that in giving we frequently receive more than we give! Gifts have been delivered to Mountain Family Center for the families.
Update-Deacon Kaye will offer another presentation of her recent Mission Trip on Sunday, Nov. 24th at 10:45 in Hicks Hall at St. John in Granby.
Deacon Kaye shares her experience in a recent mission trip
Wednesday evening, November 13th, Deacon Kaye Piper shared with members of the Granby community her experiences in a recent mission trip to the border town of Nogoles, AZ/Mexico. Her trip was a life changing event as she witnessed first-hand the workings of an immigration facility (Cruzando Fronteras –Translates Crossing the Border) which is sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. The facility currently houses 88 people seeking asylum in the US and assists them with documentation needs, English language skills, medical care, food and shelter, etc. The average length of stay is somewhere be 8-12 weeks with 95% of the occupants eventually being successful in their quest to enter the US legally. Deacon Kaye also described how a drug cartel has infiltrated the area and is engaged in an intimidation campaign among the citizens and asylum seekers of Nogales, the challenges of the border wall for potential immigrant family members, and the complex role of border patrol officers. She participated in a water drop in the desert and observed a children’s clinic for children with serious and some life threatening medical conditions.
Contributions to help support the work of Cruzando Fronteras can be made in two ways.
Monetary donations to purchase needed supplies can be made online at: (https://www.faithstreet.com/church/the-episcopal-diocese-of-arizona-phoenix-az/giving?fund_id=border-ministry-for-asylum-seekers-the-episcopal-diocese-of-arizona) then use the drop down list to choose “border ministry for asylum seekers”.
Personal care items, (shampoo, soaps, razors, feminine products, diapers, baby wipes, snacks, etc). can be ordered online through Amazon and sent directly to: Cruzando Fronteras, c/o St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 969 W. Country Club Drive, Nogales, AZ 85621
Blessing of the Animals
October 12, 2019
“All things bright and beautiful, all things great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.”
We gathered at St. Johns and celebrated a blessing for, and the blessings of, God’s creatures we call our pets. While the critters gathered did try to out sing and offer their comments to Fr. Matthew’s readings, we were all reminded that they reflect to us Gods love for all of His creation. A cllection of pet food and suoolies was also collected for donation to Mountain Family Center as pet food is available for familes in need who have pets.
Strengthen us to love and care for them as we strive to imitate the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and God, and the example of God’s servant St. Francis.
Worship at the River
August 18, 2019 at 10am
Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth! Psalm 96:9
Our worship at the River brought a wonderful sun shiny day, and a grateful and joyous gathering of brothers and sisters. Members and friends from all 3 Episcopal congregations in Grand County, St. Johns, Cranmer and Kremmling, came together for worship in gratitude and in song to celebrate the glory of Gods earth. We heard of the support and encouragement that flows from God, and of his delight in His most treasured creation-US! As Episcopalians are known to do frequently, we ate a meal together, and spent time visiting with those who may not get to see on a regular basis.
Celebration of America
July 3rd
St Johns in Granby was the site of this years annual Celebration of America. The event was an incredible gathering of several church communities in Grand County, and celebrated the heritage of an America led by faith, spirituality, dedication, heroism and duty. Veterans were honored, praise was given to God above, snacks shared, and games were enjoyed by all. We are all truly blessed by God for the freedoms we enjoy.
Ice Cream Social
September 1, 2019
What a great way to celebrate summer’s close, good fellowship, and a treat that we all love-even if it is at 10:30 am!!! Corn Hole was a hit, and will probably make an appearance at future events.
Unveiling and Blessing of the Ceremonial Banner of St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
On May 19, 2019, the new Ceremonial Banner for St. John’s was unveiled to the congregation and blessed. This beautiful banner was designed by parishioner Margaret Watts, lovingly sewn and quilted by Deborah Lord Treiber (of the Peaks and Pines Quilt Guild), and dedicated in memory of Ann McLean.
Those attending the unveiling and blessing include (from left) Fr. Matthew Frey, David Craig, Lorie Wheeler, Teri Jurgens, Pam Hansen, Margaret Watts, Kay Irvine, Roxanne Singler, Betsy Pettit, Katharine Frey, Sherry Erzinger, Will Wamsley, and Gary Piper.
Teri Jurgens and Margaret Watts admiring the Ceremonial Banner up close.
Our Community Welcomes Fr. Matthew Frey
On Sunday, April 7th, 2019, members of St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal in Kremmling and Cranmer Chapel in Winter Park welcomed new pastor Fr. Matthew Frey in liturgy and a welcome reception in the evening at the church in Granby. In addition to church members, community members, clergy from across the county and former clergy of St. Johns attended the reception. Fr. Frey comes to our community from Texas where he was the Interim Rector at the Church of the Redeemer in Eagle Pass. Please join the congregations in welcoming Fr. Frey to the community and Grand County.