Ordination to the Priesthood of Michele Simmons

July 1, 2020

The end of one journey also marked the beginning of another. On Ju;y 1, Michele Simmons was ordained to the priesthood after 3 years of study. She was ordained at the church where she will begin her service as a priest, Church of the Good Shepard in Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. May God’s blessings follow you all the days of your life.


 Deaconate Ordination of Michele Moore Simmons

June 2019


Michelle Simmons was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 10 am at St. Johns Cathedral in Denver. Michelle is a St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Granby member, and has been in seminary for 2 years in Tennessee. She has 1 more year to finish before ordination into the priesthood.

On the following day, Michelle and her family joined us in Granby for the 9:30 services. Many in our congregation were there to celebrate with her as she continues her faith journey.

Scroll down for pictures of the Ordination, her first service at St. Johns as a Deacon, and the reception afterword.

June 22, 2019

Ordination in Denver

June 23, 2019

Deacon Michele’s first service at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church

Reception for Deacon Michele at St. John the Baptist

The reception was attended by many current and former members of St. Johns, as Michele and her family are members of the parish. We send Michele off to complete her final year of Seminary, then to ordination as a Priest. Go with God’s blessings.

We offer our congratulations to Michelle Simmons as she prepares to be Ordained into the Priesthood

July 1, 2020.

Michelle is a former member of St. John in Granby, and we have followed her journey and celebrate with her this blessing. Click on the button below to view the formal announcement and directions for viewing the ordination service online.